CentOS 7 show error for smbios


We want to list CentOS hardware information. It works on before the version CentOS 6.
But it show error on CentOS 7.

The analyses
unique values whose(it != “”) of (it as string as trimmed string) of values “serial_number” of structures “system_information” of smbios

Could anyone help us?


Have you run this locally on one of the CentOS 7 boxes with qna? In my environment, I have a CentOS 7 (7.5) box and the relevance you posted above returns successfully.

cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)

Q: unique values whose (it !="") of (it as string as trimmed string) of values “serial_number” of structures “system_information” of smbios
A: VMware-56 4d 29 b7 b9 89 ef 13-f4 04 f4 73 75 58 92 e1

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How do we use QNA on it local?



And the error message is “dmi inspector error createing dmi.info” How could we fix it?


Are those devices UEFI enabled, by any chance?

Here’s an easy litmus test; if you get the same error just testing for the existence of DMI, it’s likely a UEFI machine or, if that particular issue has been resolved, it’s some other issue:

exists smbios

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@bearandy the local QNA on Linux is located at:


You can also refer to the Common File Locations documentation.



I create a CASE for it. And it seems will release 9.5.10 to fix it. Thanks for everyone’s reply.


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“It’s all fixed in the next version”