Catalog Download failed

IM trying to download the Catalog to my endpoints so I can run a software scan on my AIX servers…getting this error:

[+] Download error: "Unexpected HTTP response: 404 Not Found"
Download requested on server:
Hash: (sha1)aa7ec25c5508cfb85bb0f552f6739e076530508d
Next retry: 6 minutes. Retry now

[+] Download error: "Unexpected HTTP response: 404 Not Found"
Download requested on server:
Hash: (sha1)fd785466e4d6148f50dc35423f0f2be120842f08
Next retry: 2 minutes. Retry now

When I go to this URL on my BigFix Console I get this:

The page you were looking for doesn’t exist.

Has anybody experience this? I do not have a proxy setup. I have One BES Server, Four relays, and many clients. On version 9.5.3

I have faced this in one of our test lab that time I just used the workaround which you can also try by downloading this catalog file directly on Root Server & then creating prefetch & implementing in a custom fixlet of catalog download.

And as per url which you have mentioned it seems its downloading from local server that could be your LMT server, as per my understanding should be the server IP address thats reason why its getting failed to download.

Have you tried browsing this url directly from the server where you have installed LMT, also download latest catalog fixlet & run from LMT site --> Management -->Catalog update.

How would I download it directly to the root server?

I am running this fixlet called “Catalog Download (Version:XXXXXX) from my BESConsole root server not the LMT server…if I take this URL I get the " this page does not exist”

Same as if Im log directly on my LMT server (RHEL). I go to the URL and page does not exist. So I cant import it to the location LMT>Mgmt>Catalog update

I dont see anything being blocked from my Checkpoint FW logs…Both the LMT and BES root server have access to the internet.

Did you import that fixlet yourself to your console?

I am trying to understand, how did you get that fixlet into your console.
There is a trigger that creates such action when catalog is imported and there is manual running of the fixlet downloaded from web UI.

Run command on the server

%PROGRAM FILES%\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\BESAdmin.exe /setproxy

Enter Server IP Address then automatically starting downloading on the server
