I’m encountering some problems running the Capacity Scan for the Inventory.
When launching the fixlet “Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results”, for most machines it works fine, collects the host data and uploads the results to the BigFix server.
But some targets can’t upload their results.
The console displays “Completed” status for the action, while in the logs I found the following:
“Not Relevant - Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results (fixlet:197216)”
Make sure only one capacity scan is running for any given target. It sounds like there may be multiple actions issued for the “Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results” task.
This message doesn’t mean that the action was unsuccessful.
First of all, capacity scan results are not uploaded, if the result of the scan is the same as the previous one.
If you want to force the upload, which normally is not needed, you need to use “force upload” option:
In the navigation tree, go to Fixlets and Tasks and select the Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results fixlet.
In the lower pane, click Take Action, and choose Click here to run a single capacity scan and force upload of results.
To make sure that capacity data was uploaded to BigFix server, go to following directory on BigFix server:
Linux: /var/opt/BESServer/UploadManagerData/BufferDir/sha1/<last 2 digits of ID of BES Client >/< ID of BES Client>/
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\UploadManagerData\BufferDir\sha1<last 2 digits of ID of BES Client >< ID of BES Client>/
and look for file cit_capacity_0_<endpointid>_tlm_hw.zip
Hello Rafal,
unfortunately I already tried what you suggested, without any success.
Under the path
/var/opt/BESServer/UploadManagerData/BufferDir/sha1/<last 2 digits of ID of BES Client >/< ID of BES Client>/
there is no file apart from an Index.txt file.
So I think the upload should work, not having previous uploads of the capacity scan results.
First thing to do is you can open the mentioned the Index.txt file, it often contains some information about upload problems.
Then I suggest to check the problematic endpoint, go to the BESClient\LMT\CIT\tlm_hw_scans and check if it contains any tlm_hw_*.xml files.
Then check if BESClient\LMT\CIT\<endpointid>_tlm_hw.zip file exists.
If these files exist on BigFix Client and they are not sent to the Bigfix Server, then there is some other connection / upload issue. There may be proxy or firewall blocking the communications. In that case I suggest to reach BigFix support to further investigate.
thanks for the answer. I checked and both file exist, so I’m guessing a connection problem.
Which port does the Upload Manager use to send the file to the BigFix Server?
443? 80? 52311?
I tried looking around for that info but couldn’t find anything specific.