We will be migrating our OLD bigfix server to a NEW bigfix server. We are successful in migrating some machines thru deploying the masthead file. But some machines are showing this error base on the log file.
ActionLogMessage: (action:320217) Non-Distributed - DownloadsAvailable
ActionLogMessage: (action:320217) Action signature verified for Execution
ActionLogMessage: (action:320217) Cannot empty _Download directory
Please help.
That usually means that a previous action launched an executable from the download directory, and the process never completed (leaving the __Download folder locked).
Thanks Jason…
Any suggestion on how are we going to fix this issue? there are around 1000+ machines displayed similar error.
You might need to open a PMR with IBM, where you can go through your client logs and determine what action is leaving the __Download folder locked.
We already identified the process that locks the folder. As posted in the other forum, they are suggesting to run the fixlet BESChildProcessKiller. I’ve downloaded the fixlet and tested deploy on two machines but getting Not Relevant…why?
Check each relevance clause using the debugger to determine that. My first guess is that you have the Schedule service disabled.
BESChildProcess Killer didnt work.
The issue has been fixed by creating a task to kill the zombie process running in the background that locks the __BESData folder.
Just to update on this issue, we faced an issue where we had deployed a baseline but on few of our Windows server the download was stuck on pending downloads. Thus, to identify which process id running in the background and is creating an issue in our environment we had a policy where we cannot download third party tool (MS Process identifier). We got an alternative option of using the analysis which will show you the process which are utilizing _download folder of the client. We have successfully tested this analysis, where we were able to identify the process and kill it.
(name of it |“n/a”, process id of it as string |“n/a”, creation time of it as string|“n/a”, pathname of image file of it |“n/a”) of processes whose (pathname of image file of it starts with folder “__BESData” of parent folder of client as string)
You can get more details from the following KB -