Cancel Restart Action

(imported topic written by mhale2391)

I am in the process of pushing out a baseline with the restart action attached (so when the updates complete the computer restarts automatically after XX hours). I have disabled the ability for users to cancel the restart. I am now faced with a situation where a user would like me to cancel the restart operation. Is there an action that I can push to this computer that will cancel the restart action? Or is there any way to cancel or postpone this action?


(imported comment written by BenKus)

You can stop the action and the restart dialog will go away when the agent notices the stop request (should be very fast).


(imported comment written by mhale2391)


I apologize, I should have been more specific. I have pushed this baseline out to 50+ computers, in one action. I would like to prevent the restart for one of these computers, while still forcing the other to restart when the timer expires. Is there a way to cancel the action for one computer while letting the action complete on all the other computers?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Nope… Sorry… You need to stop and reissue the action for the other computers…


(imported comment written by mhale2391)

I was able to suspend the restart by stopping the bigfix service on the client. Once the service was restarted the machine rebooted immediately.