Can you download agent from BES Server


Reading BigFix documentation I see its possible to download masthead file using:


I was wondering if its also possible to download client install kit this way to?
e.g, BESAgent-

I’d like to write a script that gets run on client server when its deployed that downloads latest agent file and then installs it. I want to download file at deployment time as we have multiple bigfix environments (lab & prod) and its possible that agent version will be different in each environment.


Anything in the /wwwrootbes BES root server folder is accessible via http. So you could put your .deb file in that folder then you can download it from a different machine hitting http://besrootserver:port/filename.db

This is what we do. I use a consistent filename and then replace it when I do a BES upgrade so it’s current.

Our BigFix client installation script, then pulls from this source and is always current.

Thanks both, just the info I required, very much appreciate quick response.

Rather than copying files, on the Windows console server I created a symbolic link.

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes
mklink /d kits “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Console\BESClientDeploy\BigFixInstallSource\ClientInstaller”

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