can we check genuine window
How would you determine this manually?
Apparently the VBS provided by MS brings up command prompts
but as it uses WMI there has to be a query that can be made
I have an Analysis in C3 Inventory for Windows Activation Status:
I would imagine that non-genuine versions of Windows will appear as not activated and thus you could use the not activated status to identify machines with activation issues.
It appears that there might be a WMI class for it here:
Perhaps something like:
q: exists selects “GenuineStatus from SoftwareLicensingProduct where LicenseStatus=1 and GenuineStatus=0” of WMI
A: True
I would be surprised if GenuineStatus=0 is genuine, but that is what shows for it on my laptop on Windows 7.
If you know a particular product key is pirated, you could check for that various ways.
If you have a way to check this on the command line, wmi, registry, file, or anything that can out put to one of those, then yes.
The various recommendations made above, are good ones, but I’m not sure what happens when a pirate program fakes the genuine check, if that then causes it to appear genuine.
It really depends on the level of piracy you are trying to detect and what you would need to do to check it manually and how far you want to go.
If you have a site license for windows, you could just relicense everything.
if ((select "LicenseStatus from SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE (PartialProductKey is not null) and (Name LIKE 'Windows(R)%25' or Name LIKE 'Windows Server(R)%25')" of wmi) as string contains "1") then "Activated" else "Not Activated"
^This worked for me, thank you !