Can IEM send SNMP traps from a Fixlet

(imported topic written by JamesHolsinger)

I have a scenario where I want to send the results of my relevance fixlets via SNMP to other tooling.

Does IEM have the native ability for me to format and send data found relevant for a fixlet via a SNMP trap to another system?

Thanks in advance.

(imported comment written by Tim.Rice)

I don’t believe there is a “native” command, but you could easily use a 3rd party utility to perform the activity.

Snmptrapgen sounds like it might do what you need. Create your Task/Fixlet to download the utility, then execute it with the appropriate arguments. You may need to manually download the utility and cache it on your server, as with the Java updates.

(imported comment written by JamesHolsinger)

I appreciate the response.

Really, I need this action to be accomplished from the console server (not the clients) since my queries will be about clients (and their statuses or responses) in the console. So the console server would review the data available in the console and it would send the SNMP trap to tell that some query is relevant.

EXAMPLE: If a client has not checked into the console in 36 hrs the console would recognize that situation and send an SNMP trap to our ticketing system for an incident/problem ticket to be issued for action by the appropriate support team.

Thanks again for the assistance. Hopefully more smart IEM people (like you) can help point me to the options available.

(imported comment written by Tim.Rice)

The IEM Server and Console will not do what you are asking, at least directly. All the server does is act as a repository for Actions destined for Endpoints from Consoles, and as a data repository for Endpoint Reports that get picked up by Consoles.

You would need to create a script using either the IEM REST API’s or the older SOAP API’s to periodically check the database for Endpoints whose Last Report Time was greater than 36 hours, and have the script fire off your SNMP trap to your ticketing system. That script could be run from any machine with https access to the IEM server.
has a Rest API written in C# that might help.