Can i install two bes clients

(imported topic written by venkat_murty91)

Can i install two bes clients on the same machine each talking to different bes servers?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Nope! It would be helpful in certain situations but currently we can’t do it. This may be a good feature to have down the line though.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey guys,

I actually built something like this as I was playing around a little while ago…

See the attached Task. It will cause a BigFix Agent to switch between two BigFix Servers at specific times. The Agent will report to one server for a while, save it’s state, then report to the other server for a while.

I am not sure it really works, but you can try it out and let me know…

Instructions are in the Task Description.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Trying again to attach…