Hello Everyone.
All and any comments greatly appreciated.
We have an On Prem BigFix server that is working fine with using LDAP to query groups and computers in to BigFix.
Is it possible to also setup something in Azure/Entra to allow Azure/Entra groups/computers to be brought into BigFix also ?
Looking around on this subject I could not find anything definitive.
Many Thanks in Advance
Yes, it can (documentation). If I am not mistaken functionality was officially added as of v11.0.1, so you need your platform to be on that level (ideally, even v11.0.3 cause there were additional improvements around certificates and encryption added within: BigFix 11.0 Patch 3 is now available!). It is on my to-do list too as I was able to get the basic authentication working with Entra ID (provide username/password, login and get the correct role assigned based on the membership of Entra ID group) but didn’t get at the time the SSO working (I just didn’t have enough time to spend on it).
My understanding is for the same AD Domain in LDAP you cannot also do Entra, it has to be one or the other.
It’s been on my TODO list but is very very low priority.