Calendar for Open Actions

I was wondering if anyone has created a dashboard/calendar for open actions.

What I am looking for is a way to publish open actions in a calendar format so that our Help Desk can view actions and confirm if a particular group is being patched.

Can you elaborate on what you are trying to achieve? Can this not currently be done either via Console or Web Reports by filtering on Open actions, and sorting by ‘Time Issued’?

Hi Aram,

I work for a MSP and we have several customers within our environment.
Normally, we send an email to our help desk to notify them that we are going to patch a specific customer with a baseline and there devices will be rebooting. The issue is, that our help desk doesnt always check/verify an alarm with an email. So many times I will get a call to check a server that was recently rebooted, my normal response is read your email, the customer is currently being patched so disregard the alarm.

So what I would like, is a dashboard in a calendar view that will display open actions. This way, our help desk can look at the calendar and verify visually if a specific customer has open actions and if they are being patched.

Does this help?

A calendar view for open actions is a great idea! As a help desk user, having open actions displayed in calendar format would give me an at-a-glance view of upcoming patching deadlines and status.

Some thoughts on how this could be implemented:

The calendar could display each action target with its due date and a status indicator (in progress, pending approval, etc).
Color coding targets by computer group would make it easy to filter and see which patches are upcoming for specific groups.

Click on a calendar event to see the open action details - description, applicability, number of targets, etc.
Have an option to display closed actions too, maybe in a separate view, to see what actions were completed on which days.
Integrate with email alerts so help desk is notified of upcoming action due dates and status changes.
I imagine this calendar view would help the help desk quickly visualize the patch schedule, identify any problem groups missing patches, and proactively respond when actions are close to expiration. It could also improve visibility for anyone monitoring patch compliance across computer groups.

Let me know if anyone has already created something like this or if you need any help mocking it up! I think it could be a really useful addition to the BigFix console.