Caching of Patches on BES Server

(imported topic written by hkching91)


Not sure if this is the correct section to post this query.

Is there a quick way to check if a patch has already being cached on the BES Server without having to deploy the particular fixlet and look at the summary? I’m currently running an air-gapped setup and this feature will be very useful to me.

Any advise? Thanks…

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey hkching,

The quasi-quick way is to look at the sub-folder “wwwrootbes\bfmirror\downloads\sha1” of the BES Server folder. You will see a lot of files with names that are SHA1 values. Compare those names to the SHA1 values listed in the Fixlet action.

What version of BES are you running… Perhaps we can help you with a custom report to make this job a bit easier.


(imported comment written by hkching91)

I’m actually running BES Ver 5.1. Will only moved to Ver 6 later this year.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey hkching,

BES 6.0 is required for custom reports so unfortunately you need to do manual checking to pre-determine what is in the BES cache before you run a Fixlet.
