C3 Free Beta: BigFix Fast Query in Windows Console


We are currently looking for organizations interested in testing and using our new BigFix Query Dashboard for the IBM BigFix Windows Console.

You do not need to be a subscriber to other parts of C3 to use this dashboard, anyone can sign up.

Note: I am not an IBM Employee. This content is free and provided by and maintained by me and anyone who contributes to the repositories on github. This is not IBM provided or supported content.


The beta is open to anyone! The only requirements are that you are licensed for BigFix Query through IBM – that is that you Lifecycle or Security and Compliance licenses.

BigFix Query Dashboard

The Query Interface is provided through a dashboard in the Windows console like any other normal dashboard (Software Distribution, License Management, etc).

Upon pressing, “Query”, results will begin streaming in:

Query results are updated in real-time and results are displayed with fast filter search, pagination, etc.


Let me know if you’re interested in participating!

Contact me on the forums or if you have my email feel free to reach out to me directly.



This looks fantastic, Thank you for your efforts!
Sending you a PM.

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This is available here: https://github.com/strawgate/C3-Query-Dashboard