Bundling of software components

which software components are automatically bundled under Db2 in the BFI deployed software extracts. For instance, under ‘Db2 Enterprise Server Edition’ license document, MQ is listed as a ‘supporting program’. In this situation when MQ is deployed with Db2, will MQ be reported as a separate line item in the BFI extract, or will it be assumed to be a part of the Db2 line item

Borrowing from @JasonWalker, “It Depends” ™ :slight_smile:

BFI uses built in automated bundling rules to assign the discovered components to products from the software catalog. You (or someone in the Software Asset Manager role) will need to use the UI to confirm whether these default assignments are valid in your environment.

In the scenario you are asking about, if MQ were installed on the same server as DB2, and you had uploaded the DB2 Enterprise Server Edition part number into BFI, then it is likely that the component MQ would be assigned to the product DB2 automatically, and would not be reported as a product itself.

In the Software Classification report, you would see something like this:

[ ]  Pub ...| Comp ... | Comp ...| Product Name                      | Metric | Comp...
[ ]  IBM    | IBM  MQ  |  9.2    | IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition | PVU    | server1

If the data shown on this row is valid, then you just need to select the row, and use the Confirm menu entry to complete the assignment of MQ to DB2.

If you see something else, then the automated bundling rules were ineffective, and you will need to manually assign the MQ component to the DB product using the Assign -> Choose from Catalog dialog to locate the proper product for this component.

In the final analysis, it is up to you to verify that the discovered software components are assigned to their correct products based on how they were deployed in your environment.

Thanks for your response!

It’s my understanding, these components/bundles are defined and matched up in the BFI software catalog. Is there way we can check the catalog, or at the least a listing of all components bundled under Db2?

The only mechanism in BFI which provides this relationship is the Software Classification report, and it it based on what has been discovered in your environment.

Uploading your authorized part numbers from Passport Advantage helps the automated bundling process to recognize the supporting programs.

When you classify WebSphere MQ does it include DB2 Enterprise Edition as an option? If not, you can override it by unchecking the box which automatically lists the catalog’s bundle options, and choose DB2 to match your License Agreement with IBM.

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        Many  Thank!! i will go through and get back to you for any help!

Thanks for you reply!

We tried uploading part numbers into BFI 9.2.17 and we see some improvement in automatic bundling however still there is lot manual effort required like assigning and confirming each component.
Do we have any fixlet available in BFI to avoid these manual tasks?
Please suggest for any further options.

Many Thanks.

Unfortunately, this is something that you must do manually, as it represents to BFI the manner in which your business deploys and uses the software products. The first time through is definitely the most challenging. Maintaining it will be easier, as long as the BFI administrator is notified of new deployments or changes in existing deployments.