Bulk Schedule Automation Plan Jobs

Hello All,

I am new to this forum but have used it in the past for countless customization’s that has helped me effectively manage my BigFix deployment for the past 8 years.

I am now looking for some help on how to bulk schedule automation plan jobs either via SQL queries, API, or GUI Console.

My objective is to schedule ~100 automation plans at the same time with the same exact scheduling options.
Same start date/time and same end date/time
Same prefetch start time/date

Each plan already has machines statically assigned so we just need the automation or bulk option for the scheduling.

It’s incredibly tedious and takes a very long time to run through over 100 automation plans. I assume since each Automation Plan has a unique non–changing ID it would be possible to cut and paste all 100 plan ID’s into a SQL query or REST API with the same parameters to schedule.

I just can’t find anywhere in the REST API where this is accomplished.

Any help would be greatly appreciated before reaching out to BigFix Professional Services.

Thank You,


You should probably look into the Server Automation REST API. Note that this is distinct from the BigFix Platform REST API - you need to install the Server Automation Engine API separately, and it will use a different port (that you determine at installation time - not the BigFix 52311 port)

The SA User Guide has a reference to installing the engine here https://help.hcltechsw.com/bigfix/10.0/lifecycle/Lifecycle/ServerAutomation/SAUsersGuide/Server_Automation_configuration/c_server_automation_rest_api.html

And directs to info on the REST API resources you can use here https://bigfix-wiki.hcltechsw.com/wikis/home?lang=en-us#!/wiki/BigFix%20Wiki/page/Server%20Automation%20REST%20API