BigFix WebUI and WebReporter

Hello i am new at the Bigfix implementations and I have tried to setup a new evaluation environment with Bigfix 10.0.3 on a Windows Server 2016 with SQL Server 2016 and have problems with Both WebUI and WebReporter.
The installation is all in one. No firewall is enabled. The console itself as much as a I can understand is working normally and i have added test clients to the installation and have done test deployments.

WebUI is stuck in a never-ending Initializing state. In the same window i am getting an unknown error has occurred message. Log file in the WebUI folder such as Framework, pps, autopatch, datasync etc are filled with errors (below sample errors).

bf:framework:init:error Failed to initialize framework tables on attempt: 11/10
bf:framework:init:error RequestError: Invalid column name ‘constraints’.
at handleError (C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES WebUI\WebUI\sites\WebUI Framework_12538_14_1611285658\framework-app\node_modules\bfdbpool\node_modules\mssql\lib\tedious\request.js:374:15)

{ RequestError: Invalid column name ‘app’.
at handleError (C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES WebUI\WebUI\sites\WebUI Framework_12538_14_1611285658\framework-app\node_modules\bfdbpool\node_modules\mssql\lib\tedious\request.js:374:15)

 { RequestError: Invalid column name 'version'. 

at handleError (C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES WebUI\WebUI\sites\WebUI Framework_12538_14_1611285658\framework-app\node_modules\bfdbpool\node_modules\mssql\lib\tedious\request.js:374:15)

{ Error: Invalid object name ‘WEBUI.apENGINEDATA’.
at handleError (C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES WebUI\WebUI\sites\WebUI Framework_12538_14_1611285658\framework-app\node_modules\bfdbpool\node_modules\mssql\lib\tedious\request.js:372:19)

{ Error: Invalid object name ‘webui.webui_request_queue’.
at handleError (C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES WebUI\WebUI\sites\WebUI Framework_12538_14_1611285658\framework-app\node_modules\bfdbpool\node_modules\mssql\lib\tedious\request.js:372:19)

I have reinstalled the WebUI plenty of times and have checked if any of its ports is in use by another application. Is there any other step required for a new deployment?

As for the the web reporter after installation i open the page and enter the new user and password to initialize it, and when i try to connect with this user i am returned to the login page without any error message appearing. The same occurs when trying to connect with a non existent user. I haven’t located a log with errors regarding the webreporter. Am i missing something?

Any help would be appreciated.