BigFix webreports

So you want to know what patches are not in any baselines? This can definitely be done, but you need to define the scope a bit more, otherwise the list could be very very long. Do you want a report of just the patches that are relevant on at least one system that are not found in any baseline?

Are you interested in ALL patches, or just OS patches, or just critical/important patches?

So you want a web report that lists the results of the patches applied across all baselines?

This is definitely already available in the BigFix console and should be pretty easy to add to web reports.

This isn’t a “report” but the raw session relevance required to give exactly this info for all baselines:

( applicable computer count of it, names of it) of bes baselines

This can be run in WebReports QnA or in the BigFix Console Presentation Debugger, or the Session Relevance Tester, or many other places.

This is the same idea, but only for baselines with at least 1 relevant system:

( applicable computer count of it, names of it) of bes baselines whose(applicable computer count of it > 0)

This is the same idea, but for only baselines whose name contains a string:

( applicable computer count of it, names of it) of bes baselines whose(name of it as lowercase contains "Sample Baseline" as lowercase)

Without a better idea of exactly what you are looking for, it is hard to point you in the right direction. I’m fairly certain that between some of the things I already have as well as others, we already have what you need or something close to it. In other cases we can help tweak or point you in the right direction.

See here: `BigFix Global Search` Dashboard and WebReport

I have a baseline status results console dashboard that also works as a WebReport here: bigfix-content/dashboards/BaselineStatusResults.ojo at main · jgstew/bigfix-content · GitHub

It definitely seems to be part of what you are asking for.

This is a good resource to learn how to write bigfix relevance and session relevance: