Bigfix webreport URL on Azure application Gateway


We have Azure application gateway and kept your public CA cert over there to allow bigfix webreport https connection , question is

we have to keep public CA cert on azure application gateway with public Domain ( but our internal webreport server is at webreport1.example.local and if i understand correctly we have to keep webreport CA Cert with FQDN settings which is different with actual CA cert domain

is it possible if we can keep webreport on interal domain and open that webreport from public IP with origial CA cert to make the connetion secure .

Certificates support Subject Alternative Names (SAN) where you can define additional DNS or IP addresses that the certificate would be perfectly valid for. In our case, most of our servers leverage this having the primary Subject of the certificate set to the address the majority of users would access the site using, and add a SAN for each additional way the site might be accessed (DNS aliases, IP address, load balancer, etc)