Bigfix Web server uninstall and place on different server

(imported topic written by russwm91)

Here is my situation:

Built out a week ago a physical server 8 core, 16GB x64 2008 R2 with mirrored OS and RAID for database. I originally installed it with all components including web reports. I now would like to place the web report server on another server I built which is x64 2008 SP2 4GB VM. What are the steps to install this piece of Bigfix on a different server other then the main Bigfix server? I tried to reload to this new server but all I get are options to install master or replicated server. Then it asked information like I’m reinstalling the database all over again. I also wanted to use this server as a internal IIS box that I can access from HTTP website were the store software packages will be located in my fixlets or tasks

Any help on how to remove the original web server/web reports and how to install on another server just that component would be helpful.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey russwm,

You can just stop/disable the Web Reports service on the main server and install a “standalone Web Reports server” on the VM:


(imported comment written by Ashwin.D91)


Here is my situation:

Built out a week ago a physical server 8 core, 16GB x64 2008 R2 with mirrored OS and RAID for database. I originally installed it with all components including web reports. I now would like to place the web report server on another server I built which is x64 2008 SP2 4GB VM. What are the steps to install this piece of Bigfix on a different server other then the main Bigfix server? I tried to reload to this new server but all I get are options to install master or replicated server. Then it asked information like I’m reinstalling the database all over again. I also wanted to use this server as a internal IIS box that I can access from HTTP website were the store software packages will be located in my fixlets or tasks

Any help on how to remove the original web server/web reports and how to install on another server just that component would be helpful.

If I’m not wrong, its not possible to uninstall just the web reports itself. I had the same scenario last week and I ended up uninstalling bigfix completely and reinstalling it (using the steps for migration since we had to keep the existing database) and then proceeded to install web reports on a different server.

(imported comment written by russwm91)

Thank you all I was able to stop the service on the main big fix server. I then followed Ben’s stand alone article and was able to install new web server. I then made the required reg changes rebooted and it seems that were working.



(imported comment written by mistervernon91)

Is there a way to audit the process of removing an installed component using the TEM removal utility?

I may be terribly mistaken but, it seems that anyone with access to the computer that hosts the primary application server could download the removal utility from the BigFix website, and run it against the application (and remove components) without the need for authorized access - and there would be no audit trail indicating that anything took place. Am I incorrect about this…?

Thanks in advance for your reply.