BigFix v11 Issue

Hello All,

I was upgrading the BigFix to v11 from v10. I am aware that it should be performed in 2 phases. So, we went from 10 to 10.0.7 and then from 10.0.7 to 11.0.3. We took the help of installation generator.

The first phase (from 10 to 10.0.7) was very seamless and successful. It was working perfectly. But when we moved to the second phase (from 10.0.7 to 11.0.3), we landed into issue.

Please find the below screenshots of errors. Please advise what should we do ?




Note: We have remote database and Enhanced Security already enabled.

Thanks in Advance
Aditya Porwal

mhhh… hard to give proper directions from here; please open a support case and upload upgrade and Root Server logs.

Open Support Ticket

Have you looked upon the BESRelay.log?
I remember, I had a similar case - Manually regenerate encrypted keys after server migration - Customer Support

I also suggesting before Upgrading to Download an Updated License from the HCL Download and License Center, Activate Masthead and Export it - I once had an issue that after upgrading to 11 - the Client / console were unable to load and it (had the sha1 error) was because I’ve used an old Masthead.afxm file

Sorry I missed this last week.

We had a similar issue and it turned out to be ODBC settings.

We had to rebuild the ODBC connection.

I don’t know if what you saw is related to what I experienced this weekend, but I thought that i’d share my experience and what helped me out.
Saturday night I upgraded our environment from 10.0.8 to 11.0.3 and everything started out great but during the part of the upgrade where it states that the database is being prepared to support BigFix the install went to Not responding and I’m guessing when I clicked on it I caused it to lock up and the application force closed but long story short it gave a very similar message that the upgrade completed with errors and needed to restart. When I restarted it, I got the same type of message that the Database connection was lost, and the database was in an inconsistent state. I didn’t bother with contacting support since it was around midnight on Saturday night on the east coast, I just reverted the database and application server snapshots and started over again. This time I found this document that I thought i’d share here in case anyone hasn’t seen it. How to verify that BigFix Server upgrade is in progress?

This time, it also went to not responding but I used the BESAdminDebugOut.txt file to monitor the progress and to confirm that the upgrade was still in progress. The BigFix 11 upgrade was the longest upgrade that i’ve seen so far, which i’m guessing is expected since it’s such a Major upgrade from 10.

As seen in the link above:
You may review the log file for the process, which is located in:
for BigFix Server running on Windows:


Had an installer hang when we upgraded to 11.0.1.

Our servers are VMs and we always take snapshots before any upgrade. When the installer hung, we had to kill the process but when we ran it a second time, it was successful. However, the fact that it hung on the first try, do we really know that the upgrade was “clean”.

I won’t risk it. So we took the time and reverted to snapshots and then did the install again. On that attempt, it was successful on the first try.

I definitely don’t blame you. It’s much easier to revert after the upgrade in question than it is 3 days later and not knowing what changes were made.