BigFix Upgrade 9.5.14 - Discussion

Hello All,

  1. BigFix Server Component is present on E Drive and SQL Database component are present in FData Gbackup Llog VTempDB , Is the below screenshot space are sufficient to perform an Upgrade OR any Additional Space are required.

  2. Before performing Upgrade, Increase below setting on Client on EndPoints, Is these setting need to be increase on Relay and Root Server as well ?
    _BESClient_Report_MinimumInterval = 3600
    _BESClient_RelaySelect_ResistFailureIntervalSeconds = 21600

  3. IBM BigFix - Updated Platform Server Components version 9.5.14 Now Available! Fixlet is not showing applicable, How should I perform auto Upgrade using Fixlet ?

Please suggest!!

What is your current version? The disk space looks ok as long as you are already on 9.5.x and not 9.2.x or earlier.

Check if your server is relevant for the 9.5.14 “manual upgrade required”. That may be the case depending on your current version or specific configurations (such as a named service logon account instead of LocalSystem, or a remote database).

Hi Jason,

I am on 9.5.13 and i am having local database.

Manish Singh

…and is it relevant to the “manual upgrade required” fixlet?

No it is not showing relevant to manual fixlet that is the reason I am too concern…
I have attached the screenshot to my initial post

Check the upgrade fixlet, and test out each Relevance clause in the Fixlet Debugger.
If your services are not running as LocalSystem, that’s a valid reason to require the manual upgrade.

I see the upgrade fixlet has a clause for ‘not pending restart’. That can be a bit annoying, but if that’s the only clause that returns a ‘False’ (or, more likely, is unable to evaluate at all in the Debugger), then you might try restarting the server to see if it become relevant after that.

Ok, thanks Jason…
Let me try to restart my BigFix serve and see the outcome