Bigfix unspecified security classification updates

I’m finding when I drill down to source severity for patches, there are some security updates (among others) listed under “unspecified” despite being “critical updates” or “security updates”. Any reason why these are considered unspecified?

Can you offer a few examples and then I can ask the application engineering team for some feedback?

Fixlets and Tasks -> Fixlets only -> By Site -> Patches for Windows -> Unspecified

It contains the following MS Office Updates categorized as Security Updates:


And an example of a patch with a Critical Update category is

KB4131372 - Update for Windows 10 version 1709

These are all released in April/May, so it’s not like it’s so years old patches being unspecified.

Thank you. Checking. Adding more words to post so that I can hit reply.

The content properties in the Patches for Windows site are directly mapped to Microsoft’s definitions. The terminology can be confusing if you’re not accustomed to their (Microsoft’s) conventions. This TechNet article does a good job of summarizing and clarifying.

People often confuse category with severity. Hopefully the linked article clears it up for you.

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thank you @wilsonchang.