Bigfix - Service now integration to invoke tasks


I would like to know is there any integration available between servicenow to bigfix for automating / orchestrating tasks, so that we can invoke bigfix tasks/fixlets from servicenow service catalogue. Ideally the result should get posted back to servicenow, so that we can get the updates in servicenow.

Officially, as a plugin type? No, probably not.

That being said, you can customize your instance quite heavily through the use of REST API.


ok… I was looking for more of an official plug in.

It would be difficult to get the status of bigfix action in real time in service now through REST API.

Getting the status of an action from ServiceNow via the BigFix REST API is quite simple actually, but you need to keep track of action IDs or action Names on the SNow side. Something like this would give you the status of an action and you can run it somewhat frequently in order to get a near real time status. However, this all depends on how robust your BigFix server is so thorough testing is important.

http://server_name:52311/api/query?relevance=(names of it, ids of it, state of it, status of result of it, detailed status of result of it ) of bes actions whose (id of it = XXXX)


http://server_name:52311/api/query?relevance=(names of it, ids of it, state of it, status of result of it, detailed status of result of it ) of bes actions whose (name of it = “XXXX”)


Here is example of Integration with ServiceNow. This video was part 4 of 4 of a patching webinar but ended with patching your systems from BigFix VIA ServiceNow. Since this was #4 or 4 it may not be clear what is happening, but from service Now you make a REQUEST ticket for patching, picking your BigFix endpoints by name of group and ServiceNow auto shows the patches (yes we pull that info in) and create your request. If the request if APPROVED (normal CAB function/work flow) - then the integration actually CREATES the baseline in BigFix, kicks it off and keep track of the status into the request. Any failures creates an incident.

The best part- You do NOT need Orchestration in ServiceNow.

Jump to 5 min in – and see more about the ServiceNow integration

Not shown in this video are other aspects of this integration which has FULL discovery from BigFix to ServiceNow, comparing what assets your have vs installed BF agents and even install the BF agent from ServiceNow.


Was lucky enough to allowed to present ServiceNow integration at the Mastery Class in Orlando. For those folks that could not attend. I create a video (will post the word document) to show you how to get started making a “scoped” application in ServiceNow with BigFix integrations.

Enjoy… part 2 coming shortly…
Mastery Class - ServiceNow integration


Now certified and in the ServiceNow Store:


There is a live demo of ServiceNow/BigFix integration with Champion Solutions Group at 2:00 EDT today. You can register for it at ebridge is an app we developed and it is in the ServiceNow Store -!/store/search?q=ebridge