On my Bigfix servers in the following path we are seeing huge amount data is being collected . “BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\bfmirror\downloads\sha1”.
I have stopped all the open actions in the actions and no fixlet is enabled in the actions.
All the associated Relays are also clean, No Relay has files in their downloads/sha1 or Uploadmanager/upload folder.
But still we are seeing huge amount of data is coming in Bigfix Server. Need some help in fixing the issue.
That sounds like normal behavior. The sha1 folder is where the server caches downloads requested by clients. Even though you stopped the actions, the Relays will still try to cache the files that were requested by the clients and will trigger the downloads.
The sha1 folder may grow up to the size of _BESGather_Download_CacheLimitMB. If that size is exceeded, a process will remove the least-recently-requested files from sha1, a task that I believe runs hourly, so the cache should take care of its own cleanup when necessary.
@JasonWalker Thank you for you reply. But what I witness from sha1 folder is the files just collecting on the servers and they stay put for the days together and nothing happens unless we manually delete the files.
Is there a way to find which all the clients / relays is caching those fixlets / tasks which are triggering the downloads pls ?
There is a dashboard that is in BigFix Labs called the Cache Management Dashboard. It provides insight to the files you have in your cache. That may help you manage the cache. It also gives you an easy way to clear the cache and set the limit if you need to do so.
@Jared Sure will check, thank you for your reply. But the problem here is it is not SQL seems very busy in processing the information of these files and due to which the machines are going offline. All the machines on the console seems to be offline.
Curiously what is the actual size of the SHA1 directory compared to that 150GB? Also, what does the average evaluation cycle look like? You can create a property with the below relevance.
average of evaluationcycle of client / 1000 * second / minute
It will help you understand how long it is taking the client to finish its evaluation cycle, they may shine some light on them going off line.
The application is installed in E Drive and the space of E drive is 200 GB , however pls find below screen shot allocated for cache size and currently the size occupied by sha1 is 120GB. I have also created a property with the above relevance shared by you, I will update you once I get to see the data.