Bigfix Server firewall exception documentation missing

We can not find the documentation for Bigfix firewall exception for the internet. I remembered there was a list for these fqdn.


I found these articles, please review.

URLs to add in the firewall exception list using restricted internet access

Firewall exceptions (BigFix scenario) - IBM Documentation

I would also recommend this KB article: BigFix Network Traffic Guide

Pay particular attention to communications that occur at the top of the diagram which are labeled with ā€œEā€.

This lists more details that may be needed to properly configure your firewall, such as Ports, Protocols, traffic sources, etc.

I also found it before. But could this represent official documentation? Can it be found in something like in HCL Bigfix 11 documentation? like in Network configuration requirements

As far as I can determine the details you seek are present only in the HCL Knowledge Base.