BigFix Self-Service Application - AAD SSO


I created custom dashboard that redirects to a website that performs login using SSO (with AAD).
When using native edge browser, the SSO works perfectly (since the user already performed first login in the past).
Now, for the Self-Service app, there is a need for a fresh new authentication (actually, for each BES service startup).

Is there a chance to avoid such behavior? -I would like that the Self-Service Application will perform SSO without a need for a new authentication each time.

Here is the html code for my “Dashboard”:

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=">
    <title>Dashboard Redirect</title>



I’m not sure that you could do that in a redirect page, but you may be able to provide a link that would open the page in a new browser (using the user’s default browser selection).

Try building a link in the form

<a href="" target="_blank">Visit Page!</a>

The ‘target="_blank"’ parameter is important in making it open in a new browser window. The SSA itself is an Electron app, which uses its own embedded Chrome browser; selecting a specific browser to render the Electron app itself is not possible.


Thank you for answering :slight_smile:
I was hoping to be able to provide our users a one-stop-shop for IT support, so I wanted to integrate our ticketing portal into a tab in the self-service.
If it will pop a new edge window, then they might already open edge and browse to it using a link or something.

I really hope that there is a solution for my goal… :pray:

If you’re using the embedded browser from SSA then I think they would need to authenticate to it separately. I’m not sure whether there is persisted user storage (for cookies, etc.) with Electron, so I’m not certain the device would be remembered after first-time authentication either.

I would have to recalculate my path.
Thank you.