Bigfix Remote Control v 9.14 support

As we all know, Bigfix version 9.5 will reach its end on June 2024, we have the following concern:

  1. Will BigFix Remote Control 9.1.4 also be discontinued in June 2024?
  2. Or will BigFix Remote Control 9.1.4 continue to be supported after June 2024?

Do we need to upgrade our server to bigfix version 10 to keep our Remote Control supported as well?

Remote control and BigFix do no use the same versioning.
You will need to upgrade your BigFix to V10 to continue to receive support and updates.
RC will continue on its own version path, BigFix V10 will continue to be the transport mechanism for RC upgrades etc.
Dave L.

Will BigFix Remote Control 9.1.4 also be discontinued in June 2024?

The 9.1.4 version of Remote Control is already at the end-of-life stage meaning that we can provide technical assistance but no patch or bugfix will be provided on this version anymore.

The 9.1.4 version was replaced by the 10.0.0 and now the current supported version is 10.1.0 released few weeks ago.

So in order to get your RC environment updated to the latest version with the most recent bug and security fixes, I suggest you to update to version 10.1.0.