BigFix relevance to find quote "" in registry

Dear All ,

i’m trying ti write a relevance to serach for a registry key value : “%ProgramFiles%\Windows Identity Foundation\v3.5\c2wtshost.exe” , the value contails the quotes and the % " , i’m not able to make it to work . not sure how i can look for this value that contains these charecters

Thank you

i’m still not able to figure out how to search for this , it’s very tricky :smiley:

You should be able to do this by % encoding the " and % in your relevance, eg

Q: value "MyTestStringValue" of keys "HKLM\Software\MyTestKey" of registry as string 
A: "%25ProgramFiles%25\Windows Identity Foundation\v3.5\c2wtshost.exe"
T: 0.422 ms
I: singular string

Q: (it starts with "%22%25ProgramFiles%25" and it ends with "%22") of (value "MyTestStringValue" of keys "HKLM\Software\MyTestKey" of registry as string)
A: True
T: 0.280 ms
I: singular boolean

thank you , this helped me a lot