parameter "version1"="{exists files whose (name of it = "notepad.exe" and version of it < "7.0.0") of folders "example\example\example" of (program files x32 folders; program files x64 folders)}"
parameter "version2"="{exists files whose (name of it = "notepad.exe" and version of it < "7.9.1") of folders "example\example\example" of (program files x32 folders; program files x64 folders)}"
if {parameter "version1"}
install commands here
if {parameter "version2"}
install commands here
This would technically upgrade any version of notepad below 7 , and then everything below 7.9.1. Depending on what you are upgrading you may want to throw a reboot in between each upgrade or if you could take everything to max version at once you could save yourself some trouble.
I had checked in Fixlet debugger…result is as below…
q:parameter “version1”=“{exists files whose (name of it = “notepad++.exe” and version of it < “7.0.0”) of folders “Notepad++” of (program files x32 folders; program files x64 folders)}” parameter “version2”=“{exists files whose (name of it = “notepad++.exe” and version of it < “7.9.1”) of folders “Notepad++” of (program files x32 folders; program files x64 folders)}” if {parameter “version1”} install commands here endif if {parameter “version2”} install commands here endif
E: This expression could not be parsed.
I had replaced some content which as mentioned as example…It would be great help if you can elaborate each steps…
What was posted earlier was a sample of ActionScript - it was not working cod and can’t be run directly in the debugger. “Install commands here” was just a comment, it needs to be replaced by your program’s actual installation commands.
The blocks in {} tags are a relevance substitution. The second guide has a tutorial on Relevance, which is the core functionality of querying your system’s state. For application detection, the most common queries involve using the Registry inspectors to find entries from the Add/Remove Programs list, at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall (or it’s WOW6432Node equivalent); but for more complex queries we can check file/folder existence, versions, content, WMI queries, etc.
It’s a big topic, and if you’re new to BigFix I suggest going step-by-step through the tutorials, and sign up for an online training session. See this post for info on how to sign up: