Bigfix Relay functional test

Thinking in terms of some of the Relay server issues we’ve had recently where the system reported as being up, but really was non-functional (thinking it’s low space), is there a way to identify if Relay servers are functional on a regular basis?

We monitor our relays in a couple ways…

  1. Via a URL monitor, we hit the page http://relay:52311/rd and make sure the response contains “Server Diagnostics”. This ensures the BES Relay service is running and responding on http:80
  2. A second URL monitor hits the /rd page, but scrapes the line FillDB File Size Limit and then parses the line to ensure the value is within our threshold.
  3. A scheduled webreport that reports on BigFix clients where the “BES relay service Installed” property contains"yes" and the last report time < 2 hrs ago. This ensures the BigFix Client on the relay is reporting in.