BigFix Patch management- fixlet date

How I can find a fixlet release date in BigFix. (not source vendor release date)
For example fixlet ID – 20235501 . this particular patch is released by RedHat on 02/06/2020 does it available in BigFix on the same day when vendor is released

It’s visible in the console


Or you could use session relevance

(name of it, source release date of it) of bes fixlets whose (id of it = 20235501)

RHBA-2020:2355 - Kernel Bug Fix Update - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (x86_64), ( Tue, 02 Jun 2020 )

It is visible The question was would like to know when this fixlet is made available in Bigfix. or the other how do we find how often Big fix sync the repository contents from the vendor site.

using the session relevance you can get the modification time of the fixlet. The source release date being when the vendor released it, and the modification time being when it was made available or updated in BigFix.

Google Chrome -

(name of it, source release date of it, modification time of it) of bes fixlets whose (id of it = 14011175)

Google Chrome 83.0.4103.97 Available, ( Wed, 03 Jun 2020 ), ( Thu, 04 Jun 2020 11:49:25 -0400 )

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Thank you for the update. I was looking for the below information further.

Site Gathering interval for below and how to modify them if required.

  1. BigFix Root Server gathering new content from IBM’s servers
  2. Relay servers gather site updates from the root server
  3. Clients Gather site updates from relay/root server