BigFix on Windows ARM?

Can BigFix currently manage Windows 10/11 ARM devices? If not, are there plans to support this platform? We’re starting to see more of them show up (mostly Surface Pro X). Looking at the release page, I don’t see any Windows ARM downloads and I’m wondering how we’re going to manage them.



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Ditto [plus padding]


While I generally like Ideas portals, this seems like one of those things that should just be on the development roadmap. I have one vendor for which the answer to every suggestion–even for fixes to obvious problems–is “go to our ideas forum”. It’s a little maddening. :angry:

Upvoted anyway. :grin:

I absolutely agree.


I can definitely sympathize, but maybe we’re a bit unusual in that we really do put a lot of weight on customer interest through the Ideas portal (and we use it internally to put things on our roadmap as well).

I’ve dealt with other vendors where “submit an idea” was code for “take a hike, politely”, so I was a bit aggravated when the BigFix team started asking me to do that, as a customer…but then they kept delivering my requests, so I was happy enough in the end.


I do wish vendors would reciprocate with status updates on submitted ideas. “Reviewed”, “Under consideration”, “scheduled”, “Delivered”, etc. IMO too many vendors model Apple and provide zero indication that submissions have even been reviewed.

(This comment is generic. I don’t offhand recall where HCL lies on this spectrum.)


Windows ARM agent support is on the product roadmap. We are not at a stage where we can disclose a timeline, but it it something we will actively investigate to deliver in the future.

Alessandro Dinia - HCL BigFix - Product Manager


Thanks, Alessandro! Looking forward to more info later, then…

Hi Alessandro, any update on this functionality? We are considering Windows 11 laptops on ARM and would like to keep BigFix managing them.

Hello, it is an item of interest, but we are still working through the plans.
I will update when we have something to share,

The time is now!


Linux too, please? (Not just Amazon Linux 2, but all Linux distros on arm64):


I do run BigFix inside of Windows 11 ARM in a ARM VM. It runs using the Intel compatibility layer and it incorrectly reports as having an Intel CPU instead of an ARM CPU.

This is entirely experimental on my part and is definitely not something officially supported, but it is something rather than nothing I guess.

Since it is running in this weird state, you have to have some very complicated relevance in order to tell that it is actually an ARM operating system since the compatibility layer is lying to the BigFix client and then the client is reporting an Intel CPU through the normal means of CPU inspection.

Intel only 32bit applications do seem to run inside of Windows on ARM relatively well, though MSSQL does not run at all, much to my dismay.

Just as reference, the capability was released with 11.0.1 in December 2023. Thx


I’m on 11.0.2 yet I’ve never seen any of the ARM64 cumulative updates show any applicability. Is there something that needs to be done for this?

Hi @jknapp221
No “special” setting is required, as long as you installed the dedicated BigFix agent.
We currently support Windows 11 ARM only (no Windows 10). If the Fixlets are not relevant to your device, I suggest to open a support ticket to investigate.