we are not able to see the Bigfix support center Icon on the client machines to accept the offer. Can you please help here?
Do you have any odd permissions on the BES Client folder that would prevent the user from accessing it? No
Do you have any Application Whitelisting in effect (AppLocker, RES, or whitelisting through Symantec, McAfee, etc.)? No
Have you changed the BESClient Service to run under a different account?
Yes, it is running with other service accounts. But, we could see the Bigfix support center where the BESClient Service is running with a service account other than the default SYSTEM account.
we need to see Bigfix support center Icon where the BESClient Service is running with both default SYSTEM/service accounts as well.
There are pretty deeply-ingrained OS rights associates with allowing the BESClient service to spawn another process (BESClientUI) under the context of the logged-on user. One of the many reasons the BESClient service needs to run as LocalSystem.
Maybe you can possibly get that to work under a service account if you gave the account security rights equivalent to LocalSystem, but that kind of defeats the purpose of not using LocalSystem anyway.
You probably have any number of other functionality that doesn’t work, but is not as obvious, when you run BESClient under another account.
You can have the BESRootServer, WebUI, and Web Reports run under a service account, but BESClient and BESRelay need to be LocalSystem.