Bigfix MS SQL 2016 Enterprise to Standard Migration

Hi, Currently using MS SQL 2016 Enterprise database and want to migrate this to MS SQL 2016 Standard due to cost cutting.

Is it possible to migrated this from Enterprise to Standard edition?
Do i need to rebuild the application?
Can i restore the DB after migration or fresh install of bigfix application?
Is it ok use MS SQL 2016 Standard edition instead of Enterprise?

please suggest.

Is it possible to migrated this from Enterprise to Standard edition?
– Yes

Do i need to rebuild the application?
– No; you’ll need to backup your database, change the SQL installation, then restore your backup into the new SQL installation. You may need to recreate SQL logins (not operator accounts - just the logins used by the root service, web reports service, and Inventory and Compliance if you use those: check your SQL logins before backup)

Can i restore the DB after migration or fresh install of bigfix application?
– You shouldn’t need to reinstall Bigfix, but if you do, then the DB restore should work before or after.

Is it ok use MS SQL 2016 Standard edition instead of Enterprise?
– Yes, and most customers do. If you have a very large deployment (say, more than a hundred thousand endpoints) write back and we can investigate further.

In general, I’d suggest you open a PMR and discuss your upgrade plans in detail with the Support team so they can validate your plan. They can also be ready to support you and know the background info in case they need to help you during the switchover as well.

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