Bigfix modules web URL ports?

Is there any real reason why it appears that most of the bigfix app web sites want to default to non standard ports during installation and in the documentation?

Is this just security by obscurity, or is there a valid reason not to have BFI, Compliance, and Webreports on 443?

I understand the port conflicts if they were all on the same server, but that would exist using 9081 as well. I know in my environment each web app is on a separate server with no conflicts, i believe that is best practice for performance and scale to keep each of these apps on separate servers.

Thank you

I can only speculate that the main reason was to allow them to coexist with each other (or with other web servers).

It’s easy enough to change their assigned ports, and I usually do for customer deployments.

Thank you

As i get more licenses and enable more modules keeping track of the URLs and ports is a pia and didn’t see the value in keeping it true to the default install ports. Its hard enough to deal with each modules SSL Cert request methods and formats, which is completely another topic for the future.

(But it would be nice if each Web app had its own CSR generation feature and import ability for 3rd party Certs, and not rely on needing another process to generate the request outside of Bigfix)

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