Hi! We’ve installed a new bf server and I’d like to move the old content to the new one (same bf version/new hw). Is there an easy way to do that? Custom sites (including analysis, files, fixlets), Roles, etc.
Thanks in advance!
Hi! We’ve installed a new bf server and I’d like to move the old content to the new one (same bf version/new hw). Is there an easy way to do that? Custom sites (including analysis, files, fixlets), Roles, etc.
Thanks in advance!
This thread provides info about migrating to a new server.
Thanks, but I could not found what I’m trying to achieve. I’m just trying to copy the old custom sites content to a the new server avoiding the export/import steps.
I’m not sure you can avoid the export/import if you only want to bring over a subset of content from the existing server to the new. You can migrate the entire existing content to the new server which will retain the existing actionsite epoch (I have done this a number of times and the documented process works well) but if you want a clean environment using a new DB instance, which then creates a new actionsite epoch causing all agents to effectively reset themselves, and then just add specific content from the old server, I think export/import is probably your only other option.
I’m sure if there is an alternate option, someone here will share it
I’ve read somewhere about curl scripts to do GET / POST, I don’t know if worth a try.
I guess using REST to export content is an option though I’m not sure the time spent developing that would be less that exporting via the console. Good for future automation though https://bigfix.me/restapi is a good resource for seeing the resources available via REST
Thanks for the updates. I decided to do the import/export feature for my case.
To be clear, one can select all the fixlets from a site and export/import them together.
That’s right! I’m selecting all the fixlets, analysis, files, etc and exporting to a share folder, then I import the content to the new custom sites in the new server