BigFix Manuel Scan Issue


I want to see installed software information in ILMT and I will calculate PVU license usage in IBM product.

To do this, I should follow some steps in BigFix Console:

First, I need to activate analysis. For example, installed UNIX packages, installed Windows Apps and Software Scan Status (It is done)

Second,Install software scanner. I applied the target computers on Bigfix Console.

Third, Initiate software scan. This steps takes more than 10 hours, and it shows 25.53% completed, 74.47% is not reported. It takes lots of time and I’m not sure it is normal.

Fourth, Upload Sotware Scan Results. I clicked on Take Action and I selected target computers and at this time it shows, 0.0% is completed, 100.0% is not reported.

What was the main cause of the issue? Which logs should I check? How can I solve this issue?


There could be several reasons why this is happening.

Is your environment typically slow?
Do you have a limited / overloaded TLR?
Have you deployed WOLFS?
Have you enabled command polling?
Are you relays online?

Did you upload the software catalog to all the machines? Look for an action in the All Content site → Actions and filter for Catalog Download. Did the catalog get distributed to all your machines?

If you don’t see this action, or if it was stopped, go to the ILMT server UI and navigate to Management → Catalog Upload. Click on the Question Mark in the circle and follow the directions to create a new Catalog Download action in BigFix.

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