i have installed ibm fix server version on my windows server 2012 R2 server.I am not able to see “BigFix Management” section in the BigFix console .
Show more button is greyed out.i have installed an evaluation version of the product
i have installed ibm fix server version on my windows server 2012 R2 server.I am not able to see “BigFix Management” section in the BigFix console .
Show more button is greyed out.i have installed an evaluation version of the product
Hello! The scenario you are describing suggests that your BigFix Server is not able to properly synchronize with our content servers. Please see the following to enable HTTPS gathering, which often resolves the issue:
This implies the server has not gathered any Sites, including BES Support. Does the root server have Internet access, or is a Proxy Configuration needed?
Proxy configuration for the root server can be configured several ways, the easiest being to run from the command line
Besadmintool.exe /setproxy
From the BES Server directory.
Edit; fixed spelling of “BESAdminTool.exe”
It is working fine now.I had made the following changes:
1)Disabled windows firewall
2)created additional login and logged into console via that login
3)Disabled enhanced IE security