BigFix Mailing Lists

(imported topic written by crbroussard)

I am subscribed to a handful of the mailing lists on and have not received any notifications in over a week. Is anyone else lacking on notifications? I find it strange considering I would get 3 or 4 emails a day at MINIMUM. Perhaps there is a new method of informing administrators of new fixlets and software updates that I am not aware of. Any feedback would be appreciated.

(imported comment written by vpetrell)

Looks like they just fixed something because I just received about 15 notification emails.

(imported comment written by ToshikiMatsui)

Hello crbroussard,

The content update notification through is still available and it looks like some issues in your case.

But it doesn’t notify daily and how many email we get depends on the content update. Its frequency can be decided by the IEM development. The large update must inform you and (I assume) very small one may not. You can check what those are like in the archives of



(imported comment written by crbroussard)

I’m not sure if I just have good timing, but a couple hours after I made this post I also got a large amount of notification emails. My original post was created due to the face I have received at least 1 email from the several mailing lists every day since I have been a subscriber. On 11/1 it had been over a week since the last time I received a notification.