Bigfix Latest Version Installation


I’m testing trial version of bigfix in my lab environment and face following error

After that screen, initial login screen will not appear in which we put first login details.

Please need suggesstions.

Thank you in advance.


An error message of “class NotAMasthead” makes me think you might not have provided a valid Masthead file.

I provide a licence.pvk file which is generated in bes credentials folder during first time installation.

@TimRice when i upgrade from version to 9.2.7 and then finally upgrade it to 9.5, it upgraded successfully. but now i’m testing a fresh installation of 9.5 version in my lab and this error occurs.

This is a know issue with the masthead file of the Bigfix 9.5 Trial Installation.
The masthead file that resides in the external site is malformed.
We give information on the forum as soon as the correct version of the masthead will be available.

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I solved it by open admin tool after that error, then window for login details will prompt for new user details.

I believe the masthead on the server was updated so the install should work now