I tried to use the Bigfix Labs Domain for creating a Baseline using Windows Patch Wizard but after finishing the steps. I go to Baselines Panel and search for my created baseline but still there is no applicable computer even if the custom site I created has all computer subscription.
Sorry for the trouble Sir this is my 1st time using bigfix labs.
still no applicable computers found even the patch I chose have 161 applicable . This is odd.
Root Cause: In the ODBC DSN it is configured as “bes_bfenterprise” but in the Registry under HKEY_LM\Software\WOW6432node\Bigfix\EnterpriseServer\Database the configured is “bes_EnterpriseServer”.
That is why i get an error message “Unable to login to server. Have you run BESAdmin to create the signing key on the server? Is the Server able to connect to the database?” every time I tried to login the console.
And also this is the answer why there is no applicable computers found in my baselines.
Upon Checking right now, it has an applicable computers after resolving the issue on ODBC.
I hope I can help to others getting this error too.
Thank you very much Sir @JasonWalker for the help.