BigFix Inventory & Webreports


I have configured BigFix webreports in BigFix Inventory version 10.0.8. I have a user with a valid webreport ID that is working fine for webreports. When I go and add that user into BigFix Inventory version 10.0.8 Select webreports as the authentication method I get an error that the user name is invalid. I added the user as username@domain and this matches webreports. The data source setting are set to use windows authentication which works fine for the database settings and there are no errors for the webreports database settings. What port is being used for this communication to webreports? Any ideas would be appreciated.

Wow…I’ve never heard of that method being used, actually, so I’m posting here to watch updates on the thread.

My first (educated guess) is that the Web Reports auth method probably only works for “local” Web Reports accounts, where the username and password are stored in the web Reports database itself. If Web Reports is using Active Directory / LDAP / SAML back-end, you’ll probably need to configure Inventory to also use the same back-end, and not proxy the auth through Web Reports.

It’s probably worth opening a support incident to validate though.

New to me also.

Documentation is here: Integrating Users with Web Reports

It may be that Inventory is using a SOAP call to the Web Reports server to request authentication of the Inventory user, which would be over the configured http or https port on the Web Reports server.

I think what Jason mentioned is correct. WebReports authentication works fine for the local WebReports users. If SAML is configured for only the WebReports and not for BFI, the LDAP based user WebReports authentication doesn’t work and I got the same “user not found” error.

Please open a support case for further clarification.

FYI - the documentation is pretty clear that Inventory users can link to local and LDAP users from Web Reports.

I’m happy to stand corrected… @pcpeteusa are your Web Reports users local, LDAP, or SAML?

I confirmed with BFI team that only local users from WebReports can be defined in BFI. Not all LDAP user credential information is stored in WebReports for this functionality to work. The documentation will be updated to reflect this.