BigFix Inventory VM Managers tool performance/resources impact on BigFix root server

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to see if anybody else has a problem BigFix Inventory’s VM Manager tool and configured connections having big impact on the performance/resources on the Platform root server? We have pretty well-designed and stable environment with root server that has significant resources (we haven’t had any issues over the past 3-4 years) but at the same time we have a lot of standalone hypervisors and given that the only supported UI-managed is “central” (i.e. needs to be on the root server to be able to manage the connections via BigFIx Inventory UI), it puts heavy and quite unnecessary burden on the root server. The root server generally works at about 50% CPU and 90% memory (the latter unsurprisingly is taken up in most part by SQL, even though it is capped) but when I enable the 800+ connections that collect data at default 12 hour intervals the CPU jumps to 95% and as you can imagine things start to be impacted… I can technically migrate them off but having to manage that many connections manually via .properties files is extremely tedious! I’ve already also had the VM Manager tool config reviewed and optimized as much as possible with HCL but the status quo still remains the same.

I did submit an idea (BFINV-I-109) that BFI UI should really support “distributed” VM Manager tools, which will essentially open the door to “offload” the VM Manager tool off of Platform root server, without losing ability to manage the connections but it doesn’t seem it is getting a lot of traction. If you have any feedback of ways to get around the problem or you think this should be something HCL commits to please comment and/or vote. Thank you.


I wonder of this is a problem that could be solved with a Dashboard and some Tasks and Analyses to manage these distributed VM Manager tools. This is already done with Relays, which are also distributed components.

Considering that’s exactly what the BFI UI does (fires up a BF action via RestAPI to either “test connection”, “update connection” or “change status of a connection”), yea, it can be done fairly easy but in the same sense why wouldn’t the tool be able to the very same functionality natively - it would really be able to run initiate the exactly the same actions via BFI UI but will just ask you which VM Manager Toool’s ComputerID you want to target… It seems such an easy fix but as I said there has been no commitment on the RFE.

Too bad there’s no traction with the RFE. I did vote for it, btw.

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