BigFix Inventory v9 vs License Reporting (ILMT) v9

We have had BFI in place for a few years and when I originally set it up, I seemed to recall that you would enable BFI or ILMT, but not both. Thinking that BFI included ILMT and much more.


I now have a few users who want to report ILMT on a few system for IBM license reporting and have asked me to enable the ILMT license. Again, my understanding is there no need to and that they can report on sub-capacity and other IBM audit requirements with what I have now via the BFI Web Portal.

I’m I correct or do I in addition need to enable ILMT as well?

You are correct. If you have BigFix Inventory, you do not also need ILMT to report on sub-capacity and other IBM audit requirements. Please see for reference.

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Am I correct in thinking IBM still solely support ILMT, and HCL supports BFI ?

Yes, IBM owns and supports/maintains ILMT, while HCL owns and supports/maintains BigFix Inventory. That said, it is important to note that there is continued collaboration between the respective Development and Product Management teams.