BigFix Inventory showing incorrect data

For a number of devices, BFI is showing incorrect data. Specially, it’s showing that an application exists on a computer and shows the file system path - but the application was removed some time ago and the file system path no longer exists.

The import is running properly, the scanner appears to be running properly and when I look at the data for the computers in question the “Last Seen” date is current and the “Last Software Change” date is within the last few days.

How can I go about troubleshooting this?

Add the column “Discovery End” to your report.

Date and time when the component instance was reported for the last time. If the component is still detected, the column shows <n/a>.

I’ve added that column and it shows “<n/a>”. However I am 100% certain that the location shown in the “Installation Path” does not exist.

The server (Windows) is rather large, it has multiple disks that total around 8 TB. Could the file system scan be timing out or encountering an error? If so, is that logged anywhere?

Review the Software Scan Status Analysis results in the BFI site. These scans status information will also be available in BFI Web UI → Reports → Computers

In both BFI and the BF console, the analysis shows OK for all items and has a last scan status of today.

Last Seen: 9/30/2024 15:20
Last Software Change: 9/27/2024 19:39
Is archive size exceeded? FALSE
Has Outdated Version: No
Has Low Disk Space: No
Is Out of Sync: No
Catalog Scan Successful: Yes
Software Tags Scan Successful: Yes
Scanner Catalog Version: 2638907.46
Last Scan Attempt: 9/30/2024 14:03
File System Scan Successful: Yes
Package Scan Successful: Yes
Catalog Scan Not Uploaded: No
File System Scan Not Uploaded: No

I assume you are seeing the information about these applications in Reports → Software Installations/Classification? Please confirm.

If they are from Software Report, click on Details column to see the discovery details. If the discovery is coming from Package Data Scan, it’s possible the package or some artifacts of it are still left behind after the uninstall.

If the discovery (from Details above) is coming from Package Scan, the Reports → Package Data will show the same package information.

If all above check out fine, then please open a support case with HCL BFI support team. They will request MustGather details from some of these computers. The Mustgather zip file will have end to end information from the computers for verification

It’s from the Reports → Computers report. I added the additional fields to the display as per your previous comment.

When I view the Software Installations report, it shows that the software (Perl, in this case) is installed in a number of folders that no longer exist. F:\Data\Engineering\Lrdr\Perl\Perl\bin, for example. Or G:\Users\Felicity\C_Drive_Backup\Perl_temp\Perl\bin. When I click on DETAILS it shows that “the following conditions were met” for multiple instances of the application but still listing the non-existant folder.

There are multiple instances of this same sort of things on a few different servers.

I’ve opened a case with HCL.