Bigfix Inventory not Discovered as Component

I have clients with the tags listed below, but Bigfix Inventory is not being discovered as a component. Instead, Bigfix Platform Agent is being dicovered. swidtag

Bigfix Inventory used to discovery the component Bigfix Inventory. Why did this change? It just leads to confusion.

Do you have a Software ID Tag file on your Inventory server? In my environment, this is in the D:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BFI\is-swid folder.

The answer is that the component “Bigfix Platform Agent” should be classified as the product “IBM Bigfix Inventory” and metric either client device or RVU MAPC. It has not always been this way, but this is the process now. BFI used to discover the component as “Bigfix Inventory Client Device” or “Bigfix Inventory RVU”.

Is BigFix Inventory the only BigFix product you’re running? You may need to run the license counting process, as documented here: Activating the license counting process

No, I just need to classify “Bigfix Platform Agent” as “IBM Bigfix Inventory” from the Software Classification report, or setup automatic classification.