Bigfix inventory - last used

I have Bigfix inventory 10.0.2 configured and running for several months and have noticed that the metrics for ‘application last used’ and ‘application total runs’ isnt really that accurate.

I am trying to evaluate the use of Java, and it is only reporting about 10% of the servers have use of Java in the past month - and yet i can login to most of the systems it says has java on them and find the process running. I am trying to pass a report back to the application teams to have them realize they have never updated which version of java their application is using, and the servers have several currently installed to have them update their application configurations to allow me to remove the vulnerable versions.

The software inventory scanner is currently only set to run once a week, should i have to increase the frequency?

is this something that should be accurate or is it always best guess? or am i missing an obvious setting or job?

thank you

The information in BFI is dependent on scan/upload/import schedule. Depending on your infrastructure size, you may want to run more frequent scans and uploads.

Ok i just updated the schedule to scan every 3 days, in the early evening.
The uploads have been configured to run daily after hours, when relevant.
The imports have been scheduled to run once a day at night.

I will see if this yields any better information in a few days.

Thank you