Bigfix Inventory Install

I am trying to install Bigfix Inventory or SUA 9.2 in my test environment. I have the external Site BES Inventory and Licensing, but is that the same as Bigfix Inventory? I am not seeing a Bigfix Inventory Dashboard. I don’t have Bigfix Inventory as an available license site. We are running Bigfix 9.2.5.


The Inventory site is under Software Use Analysis on the license management dashboard:

It will only be visible if you have added Software Use Analysis RVU or Client Device Licenses to your BigFix License:

Thanks Strawgate. That explains it.

Here is information I got from Adam McDonald in support.

We talked about the site you need to activate to get the BigFix Inventory 9.2 content and downloads:

The site is named “IBM Endpoint Manager for Software Use Analysis v9” before it is enabled.

The site is named “IBM BigFix Inventory v9” once it is enabled and has gathered.

The site has the following Gather URL: