BFI daily import has been failing for me the past few days and gives this error:
2021-02-03 08:33:55 (+0:13:19.818) ERROR: (ImportThread) Lock request time out period exceeded.
Maybe it’s a report running that is locking something? Is there any way to investigate this from the logs?
How long does the import run before it reaches this error? Was it running fine before and how long the import was running when successful?
If there is a change in total import time, may be it’s conflicting with another SQL job? This can be tested by changing the import start time.
The SQL DBA should be able to find out more about the error if they can monitor when the error occurs
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failure was about after 2 hrs. Normal full complete import takes about 2-3hrs.

Yes, I may have to have our DBAs investigate if
What version of BFI are you on? Also can you please post the full error message?
I moved the start time of the import by 2 hrs and it was successful today. It might have been conflicting with some SQL jobs or something, but this is good enough results for now.