Hi all,
I have a test BigFix environment with BigFix, BigFix Inventory and BigFix Web Reports and the integration among these set up.
I’m running the Software and Capacity scans on endpoints and trying to see the results in BigFix Inventory however the Hardware Inventory page shows No Scan Data for any new computers I add to the environment.
BigFix: 9.1.xx
BigFix Web Reports: 9.1.1229
BigFix Inventory: 9.1.20140604-1739
Here is what I did to add my virtual machine to BigFix:
Install BigFix client (BigFix-BES-Client-9.1.1229.0.exe) with proper ActionSite.afxm file - The VM appears in BigFix Console.
From BigFix Console, I run the following tasks on this specific computer:
Install or Upgrade Scanner - it succeeds.
Initiate Software Scan - it succeeds.
After a while, Upload Software Scan Results - it succeeds.
Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results - it succeeds.
In BigFix Inventory WebUI, invoke a manual import (Management - Data Imports - Data Imports - Import Now).
In BigFix Inventory WebUI, Hardware Inventory (Reports - Infrastructure - Hardware Inventory), my VM’s Status is flagged as No Scan Data.
I did the scan and uploads for few days and ran the diagnostic tools etc. - everything results fine. In fact I can see the results uploaded to /var/opt/BESServer/UploadManagerData/BufferData/sha1
folder on server. The manual import log doesn’t error out anything related to this. It however has this line:
2016-01-26 18:30:24 (+0:00:03.051) INFO: Calling SAM::Catalog.after_snapshot: Success
2016-01-26 18:30:51 (+0:00:26.677) INFO: LMT import registered tasks: ["MergeComputersAction", "VUTImport", "PartNumbersImport", "ImportCapacity", "ImportVmManScans", "RefreashHardwareTable", "RunInventoryBuilder", "RunReaggregation", "RunAggregation"]
2016-01-26 18:30:51 (+0:00:00.001) INFO: Running LMT ETL: Success
2016-01-26 18:30:51 (+0:00:00.036) INFO: Import succeeded in 0:18:41
2016-01-26 18:30:51 (+0:00:00.001) INFO: Import contains 2 warnings.
This happens with any VM that I am adding now, we have some computers from past and they have correct Status.
Any help is much appreciated.